Day: July 22, 2024

Los Angeles Criminal LawyerLos Angeles Criminal Lawyer

The legal system can be overwhelming and intimidating. It requires a knowledgeable guide to navigate it effectively. Having the right attorney by your side can significantly reduce your stress and protect your rights and freedom.

Los Angeles Criminal Lawyer

Michael Kraut is a top-rated defense attorney who serves individuals accused of state and federal crimes. He was a prosecutor for 14 years in the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office, where he worked in the gang homicide and major fraud divisions. He has tried 86 jury trials to verdict, and his record is unsurpassed for success in criminal cases.

Felony Criminal Defense Lawyer

Felonies are the most serious type of crime. They are punishable by substantial fines and prison sentences, sometimes even life imprisonment. A criminal defense attorney who is well-versed in defending against felony charges can help you fight to keep them off your record.

Celebrity Criminal Defense Lawyer

A high profile defendant has unique concerns that can’t be addressed in a traditional court case. For example, negative publicity can damage a celebrity’s reputation or ruin a professional career. A Los Angeles Criminal Lawyer who is familiar with the entertainment industry can ensure your rights are protected in the face of allegations.

Traffic Ticket Defense Lawyer

Grace Legal Group is a Los Angeles law firm that defends clients against DUI, logbook violations, phone offenses, speeding tickets and out of lane offenses. It also handles the administrative appeal of DMV hearings. It is certified in Standardized Field Sobriety Test administration by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration.